wow, i am overwhelmed by love
sometimes i feel
like my heart is so full
then it keeps growing and growing
pressing out from the inside
and i think it might explode
but it never does.
there are moments
when everything is so beautiful it hurts,
my friend calls it incendiary,
i call it excruciating
i spent the past 4 days in Austin
with some of my favorite people ever
it was incredible
sleeping in the same room with afore mentioned friends, comforting
trying to share a bed with Nikki, my foot-phobic-friend, frustrating
going for late night walks in the neighborhood, refreshing
hearing Lic play some Sandra on the guitar, healing
singing and swinging in the moonlight, liberating
dining with the extended family, interesting
crying in the room to un-named chic flic, priceless
laughing and chilling at local pool, brilliant
good conversation during graduation speeches, informative
sitting in the floor of the bookstore with friends, meaningful
watching friends try to climb onto roof, hilarious
man, my cup just runneth over.
there's compassion that holds no words,
it holds no words
i see it as you go. - denison