Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wednesdays are for Labyrinths

I take the 20 to and from work. On the bus ride home I pass the Saint Paul Lutheran Church on 17th and Grant. Besides the general peaceful/tranquil aura which illuminates from the magnificent edifice, there is a giant maroon banner inviting passersby to participate in a labyrinth on Wednesdays from 11:30 - 2:30.

Ouch, it hurts to pass this by and to know that I can never attend. I can't think about anything else I'd rather do on Wednesdays at noon. But the job (working with middle school English Language Learners - ELLs) that rips my heart out and brings me to my knees daily prevents me from attending this labyrinth. I prefer the symbolic path towards God in a tranquil, candlelit atmosphere which brings me towards the center rather than the socio-educational path that brings me to my knees in the teachers' bathroom on the second floor.

I know I can create a "labyrinth-experience" with God anytime and anywhere, but right now it sure would be nice to just "show up" somewhere spiritual. What I loved about House Church was the ideas of "being the church" rather than just "showing up at a church," but right now working a crazy-stressful job, transitioning back to Denver-life and taking two nightly grad school classes every week, I feel like I don't have time for anything but "showing up." So, it's not a labyrinth, but I'm planning on showing up at Mass at the Catholic Cathedral down the street tomorrow night and my soul is ready.

Donnerstags are for Deutsch!

("Thursdays are for German", in German)

My professor last night was talking about some recent studies concluding that going back and forth between different languages - or code switching - can actually delay the onset of Alzheimer's Disease; which is personally encouraging as I approach 30 (one more year away). It is like taking your brain to the gym and pumping it up. So, in my quest for trilingualism by 30, which I admit is no big deal to my German friends, I am thinking about making Donnerstags for Deutsch Day. Practically this means I will listen to German podcasts and try to situate my thinking into German and maybe glance over a book or something. I get Spanish exposure and practice everyday at work, which is awesome, but I have to make time for German or it won't happen.

SO, learn a new language and keep practicing it so you can exercise your brain and live longer without going crazy.

Here are some great foreign language online resources:::

BBC Languages
--------- Excellent multimedia programs in 36 languages for free!

German Site:
------ podcasts & more i like: Alltagsdeutsch and Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten

Notes in Spanish:
------ podcasts & topical conversations in easy to understand Spain Spanish

Sunday, September 05, 2010

The Grass is Always Greener...

the fleeting glory of a typical sunset

when we invited the neighborhood mothers over for coffee and a presentation of typical kids' club (one of my top five highlights of our whole time: it felt so holistic: to be including the whole family)

What I miss about Guatemala:::
- Matt and I having SO MUCH time together
- open air pick-up rides

- cheap/frequent/crowded/lively chicken bus rides

- the fog descending upon the surrounding area

- vibrant sunsets behind volcanoes, over looking the Lake
- abundant avocado and mango consumption
- the slow pace of things
- Spanish class with Diego
- Nohemi, Yovardo, Juan Manuel and other kids from the neighborhood

- re-fried Chuchitos from street vendors
- drinking cold, sparkling water on a hot day

- colorful native clothing

- passing farmers on our walks through the countryside

- the campesino lifestyle & agricultural scener
- taking the dogs for a walk around the farm

- day trips to Panajachel ("gringo-tenango")

- riding on a boat on the lake

- hospitality of neighbors

- Guillermo and Dianna's inventive enthusiasm

- Dianna's pumpkin scones and flavored lattes

- browsing artisan shops

What I enjoy about life in Colorado:::

- hanging with friends
- tent camping
and National Forest access
- infinite gourmet foods and vegetarian cuisine
- good beer
and access to restaurants
- the freedom of having a car

- wildlife viewing

- the safety of travel and hiking/exploring
- easy access to internet and other media