("Thursdays are for German", in German)
My professor last night was talking about some recent studies concluding that going back and forth between different languages - or code switching - can actually delay the onset of Alzheimer's Disease; which is personally encouraging as I approach 30 (one more year away). It is like taking your brain to the gym and pumping it up. So, in my quest for trilingualism by 30, which I admit is no big deal to my German friends, I am thinking about making Donnerstags for Deutsch Day. Practically this means I will listen to German podcasts and try to situate my thinking into German and maybe glance over a book or something. I get Spanish exposure and practice everyday at work, which is awesome, but I have to make time for German or it won't happen.
SO, learn a new language and keep practicing it so you can exercise your brain and live longer without going crazy.
Here are some great foreign language online resources:::
BBC Languages:
--------- Excellent multimedia programs in 36 languages for free!
German Site:
------ podcasts & more i like: Alltagsdeutsch and Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten
Notes in Spanish:
------ podcasts & topical conversations in easy to understand Spain Spanish
Yeah for Deutsch-Donnerstag! Ich hoffe, dass deine Motivation damit nicht aufhört... Eduardo und ich würden uns freuen, wenn ihr uns bald wieder in Deutschland besucht... vielleicht sind wir dann schon zu dritt :)
Sei fett gesegnet,
zu dritt??! woo hoo! Congratulations, Steffi!
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