Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Donnerstags are for Deutsch!

("Thursdays are for German", in German)

My professor last night was talking about some recent studies concluding that going back and forth between different languages - or code switching - can actually delay the onset of Alzheimer's Disease; which is personally encouraging as I approach 30 (one more year away). It is like taking your brain to the gym and pumping it up. So, in my quest for trilingualism by 30, which I admit is no big deal to my German friends, I am thinking about making Donnerstags for Deutsch Day. Practically this means I will listen to German podcasts and try to situate my thinking into German and maybe glance over a book or something. I get Spanish exposure and practice everyday at work, which is awesome, but I have to make time for German or it won't happen.

SO, learn a new language and keep practicing it so you can exercise your brain and live longer without going crazy.

Here are some great foreign language online resources:::

BBC Languages
--------- Excellent multimedia programs in 36 languages for free!

German Site:
------ podcasts & more i like: Alltagsdeutsch and Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten

Notes in Spanish:
------ podcasts & topical conversations in easy to understand Spain Spanish


Anonymous said...

Yeah for Deutsch-Donnerstag! Ich hoffe, dass deine Motivation damit nicht aufhört... Eduardo und ich würden uns freuen, wenn ihr uns bald wieder in Deutschland besucht... vielleicht sind wir dann schon zu dritt :)
Sei fett gesegnet,

Unknown said...

zu dritt??! woo hoo! Congratulations, Steffi!