Tuesday, February 28, 2006

.living out of the center.

"Living out of the center enables us to blend for a moment into a greater background than our own fears, to merely be still and to know that God is God. It means that i don't figure out, i don't analyze. i simply lose myself in the experience of just being alive, of being in a community of believers, simply knowing that it's good to be there, even if i don't know where "there" is or why it's good. An inner stillness assures me that it is enough right now to be centered, to be in Christ Jesus, and that gratefulness is both the heart of living and the heart of prayer. "

~ Brennan Manning, from The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus - super well said, Brennan.

i have a friend who does not live out of her center. sometimes i just want to take her and yell, "be free." God did not set us free to become slaves again to our pasts, to our failures, or to other peoples' failures, no, it is for freedom that Christ set us free!


Angelic said...


Angelic said...

Molly, you are in my latest entry. It is from our Hyde Park days.

Anonymous said...

lic, i wanna be in your latest entry...i'm a big baby!