Sunday, November 12, 2006

times, they are a changin'

"look, it's Buwaa in the tree," Brooke exclaimed after community prayer a couple weeks ago.

so we all looked out the 3rd story window and yes, Buwaa was in the tree picking off the leaves off one of the 2 trees in the backyard of the children's home. Buwaa is the grandfather of the family here; he's the cutest little man, hardly says a word. he's really just visiting, but he's been here as long as i have, so i don't know... basically he's running out of things to do. we think he's bored obviously. but i always say it's the thought that counts, so, yeah, thanks Buwaa for your help around the house.

i've been hearing from friends in North America about treasured autumn sights and smells, the changing leaves, the beautiful colors...

well, sometimes the seasons just change and you don't even know when the change started and sometimes little men crawl up in the trees early in the morning and pick off each promising piece one by one and throw them to the ground and sweep them up with a broom and put them out with the trash. and then you know - ok, things are changing and maybe it makes it easier to move on because there was no romance in the farewell and maybe it is easier because you had to laugh because it's hilarious and well, that tree was your only chance of upclose natural beauty. and maybe you're tired of looking for beauty in such accute, abstract contexts.

so, Buwaa, i admire your creative use of time.
and, Kathmandu, thank you for challenging me in my pursuit of beauty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so funny!!