woohoo for Spanish speaking passerbys. Yesterday a Hispanic lady approached me right outside of Open Door and was asking about some clothes and toys we were giving away. Her English was so thickly accented that I took the chance to try communicating with her in Spanish and she went for it!! I've been super, super slowly learning Spanish the past couple of years but I never get to interact with native speakers - so I was quite thrilled after the encounter. The lady's name was Fransesca and maybe I will get to run into her again. I know some of you are already fluent and/or interact with native speakers all the time, but for me in the inner city - this is quite a treat. I learned a new word, "agarrar," which means "grab."
spanish speaking passerbys
brush by me again today
let me linger near your side
and overhear your casual speech
which is like diamonds to my ears
ah, the beauty of language
lures me by and by.