Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Third Annual Springtime Desert Camping Trip

Canyonlands Natl'l Park is divided by canyons into three parts, we explored in The Needles, this particular area is called Chessler Park. This was the view from our campsite, it was incredible and full of wonders and surprises as Utah always is. We saw two people that afternoon/evening.

A nice little open-air window on our day hike.

We unexpectedly came across a series of maze-like giant cracks in the walls - which was a blast to explore.

More fun in the narrows and in-betweens.

Fine Desert Dining.
I loved this spot under the tree,
looking out over a vast, quiet desert
with a violent storm approaching.
We watched the rain clouds that day
eek closer and closer towards us,
until the rain drops hid us away in our tent.


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