Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Children, Children EVERYWHERE!

A glimpse into my work-life in the Summertime:::

Here's the "light green" team at Boy Scout Camp! These kids were awesome - i was very impressed with their behavior, well, there's one pouter in the front row in camo - but oh well, you can't make everyone happy. We did a lot of walking and skills training ( We learned some specialized knots, which we could use to make a "lean to" or a raft to float away on). We slept in hard-corp-flapping-in-the-crazy-night-wind-army-tents-on-planks and watched the flag go up and down at dusk and dawn each day. I wish I had taken a picture of the tents - it was a crazy indistinguishable maze of tents and the kids were always getting confused and turned around, which was hilarious.

playing with the i-phone

one of the Loves of my life

playing in the creek is a common event

one can never spend too much time playing with the sand

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