Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cross-cultural Literacy Development

So, I was teaching some students in the after-school writing club about Shakespeare the other day. And when I asked who had heard of him before only 2 out of 10 sixth grade students had, which was shocking! Yet, it wasn't until later that I realized that by the time I was their age I had not only been introduced to Shakespeare, but I had visited his birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon, England, toured the museum, bought a book about his life and work, which I treasured and I had started to memorize lines from famous scenes in Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet!! So, the contrast of our upbringings just astonishes me. When I was in high school I visited the modern reconstruction of the Globe Theater in London. And in high school and several times since I have visited Juliet's house and balcony in Verona, Italy.

These thoughts come on the eve of a reflective paper I have to write for grad school contrasting my own literacy development in light of the students with whom I'm working. And it's almost as if I grew up in a different world than them. Naturally, I'm not saying my experiences were better or make me better, but I can say that my experiences certainly set me up for academic success in American schools. And, therefore, the contrast of my background versus my students is staggering.

the Capulet house, Giulietta's balcony in Verona, Italy

calling out to my lover

Tourists are supposed to rub the right breast for good luck, there was a long line.

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