Thursday, March 17, 2011

Everybody Needs Female Friends

I have gotten to have some quality girl talk this week over coffee, walks in the park and even while erasing pencil marks on CSAP test booklets with coworkers, and it really makes a difference to my sense of well-being. I am a verbal processor/thinker, and it sure helps to have someone to process life with, especially the difficult questions and the dreaming questions... Of course I'm always processing out loud to Matt and he's super empathetic =) but it's nice to get some female feedback! Here is what Gretchen Rubin has to say about contact with women in The Happiness Project::

"Perhaps because men have this low standard for what qualifies as intimacy, both men and women find relationships with women to be more intimate and enjoyable than those with men. Women have more feelings of empathy for other people than men do. In fact, for both men and women -- and this finding struck me as highly significant -- the most reliable predictor of not being lonely is the amount of contact with women. Time spent with men doesn't seem to make a difference" (p. 52).

Haha, of course I want no male to be offended, we need you too! But it is the female-feedback that is precious and priceless!


Anonymous said...

I truly agree with and I miss not having some very good friends who have moved away or have Gone to be with our Heavnly Father~ Tresure the freindships and alway be open to new ones
God put in your life!

Noha said...

Can't agree more!

sorry I came from no where but I clicked "the next blog " and yours come up ^_^

Anonymous said...

How true! Girlfriends are priceless!

Anonymous said...

Most of my freinds growing up tended to be males, and I than grew up to have three sons and my husband, and I have to disagree... males are less complicated, and I tend to notice women are more likely to smile in your face while talking behind your back???

I noticed even at the school my middle son attends, there is a group of women that are snotty, talk behind everyone's backs, and even each other. I litterally watched a woman smile, and act absolutely fake, than trash the woman to another as they walked off... and she carpools the lady's kid!!!

Pinecone Stew said...

Girls are icing on the cake of life.