Monday, August 01, 2011

Language Learning

So, I'm almost thirty; I'm quite nearly tri-lingual (Spanish, German); I'm recently unemployed, and I'm studying French and studying for the Spanish CLEP test. And let me tell you two wonderful things about learning a language:

This is one of my favorite pasttimes! It offers hundreds of videos in the target language for only $10/month. The videos have interactive subtitles, that allow you to click on words you don't know, which opens a side window dictionary. There is also a slow motion button. The website is user friendly with a 1-5 star difficulty rating system. The Spanish version sorts the videos according to difficulty, topic and country of origin. The website also generates interactive quizzes based upon past words that you did not understand in the subtitles. imagĂ­nete!

2. Pimsleur Language Programs
This program offers a conversationally contextualized approach to learning a language. The Spanish program really helped me and Matt prepare for Guatemala. There are three levels for each language, with 30 lessons per level. Each lesson is 30 minutes, so it is quite a time committment, but imagine the empowerment of learning a new language!! The best part is that your public library probably has the Pimsleur Language Program CDs, which you can check out for free!! (By the way, I own the complete Spanish Levels I-III in Rosetta Stone, and it is so elementary and slow compared to Pimsleur).

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