Thursday, September 14, 2006

photo lovin'

when i travel or live in a place where there are lots of tourists - i like to offer to take pictures of couples and/or families. because otherwise they're always like, "ok, you take a picture of me with this in the background and then i'll take one of you with this in the background." and well, someone is always missing from the shot. couples and/or families are supposed to be together. what couple wants to decorate their house with photos of one of the two of them by themselves on vacation?

so today at my favorite-chill-restaurant i took a photo of this Asian couple sitting nearby. They were taking turns taking photos of each other and the exotic food before them. (i've never been much into taking photos of food, i'd rather just eat it - but you know, a lot of folks like to -- Ben, my family in Switzerland).

so, yeah, the couple was really grateful and it makes me smile to think that they might decorate their home with that photo someday. wherever their home is... selfishly, i'm glad that i got to be involved in their lives and unselfishly, i'm glad they got to be in the photo together.

hmm, i went on a sweet rafting trip yesterday. more to come on that...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

molly molly, you changed your font.
molly molly, you are so hot.
molly molly, you have a traveling soul.
molly molly, you are not dull.