Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A "Just Right" Book

When teaching kids about literacy and reading, we often teach them about "just right" books. A "just right" book is one that is first of all interesting and secondly it must be at the correct level (which of course is a complex issue), but I usually tell kids, "If there are less than five words that you don't understand on the first page (the "sticky fingers" test), then it is probably 'just right' for you."

The Happiness Project has been just right for me coming into a new year full of possibilities for positive change. I have been reading this book the past few weeks and it has been just what I was wanting. This book is not necessarily brilliant and I think the author and I don't have a lot in common personality-wise, but she offers an inspiring story and measurable, practical advice for mood-boosting. I highly recommend this book if you're trying to get out of a "slump" or looking for ways to challenge yourself in positive ways (I love the self-help section of a bookstore!)

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