Sunday, January 02, 2011

Paradise Lost

These past four months have been the least happy in my life.
For so long each phase was getting better and better.
I remember thinking after the Summer of 2000 when I volunteered at the International Christian Pavilion at the Worlds Fair (EXPO 2000) in Hanover, Germany, that I would probably never top that. I thought that this was probably the pinnacle of my life. Haha. But I have had a blast topping that Summer ever since. I have always been amazed by meeting new people and enjoying good friends, deep thoughts, beautiful sites and scenery, good books, new experiences, challenges and adventures, all very positive and completely enjoyable. And then I turned 29, started working as a paraprofessional in Denver Public Schools and taking grad classes two nights a week without a clearly defined community or church body... and all was lost.

This is really my first life slump and I'm hating it. But thank God for this two week Christmas vacation to think, breath and dream again. With the help of God, some inspiring self-help books about happiness and creativity and beautiful afternoons on a pristine Mexican beach I want to turn things around.
I have to make some changes and I have to write.
I need to find beauty and be thankful.
I need friends and I need to pray.
Thank you God for a second chance.

1 comment:

kate said...


I am sorry it's been so challenging. I am sad to hear that. I wish I could be there for you. Oh how I love you! I am glad you were able to get a rest over the holidays and get rejuvenated. You went to Mexico!? Do tell me all about it in the journal or a hand written letter! XXOO