Tuesday, January 04, 2011

La Playa !

I have been curious about the Yucatan and the Mayan Riviera for several years and it has never worked out until two weeks ago. When our plane landed in Cozumel, we still hadn't decided where we wanted to stay: Isla Mujeres, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen or Tulum. We decided on Playa because it was well, beautiful and right there. There were loads of affordable places to stay and a real mix of European/American/Mexican tourists and locals. We got to speak a lot of Spanish naturally, which is so rewarding now that we have both "just-about-arrived" in fluency.

This is the main stretch of beach in the center of town, lined with cafes and restaurants, which are so charming (and almost empty) at night, with lanterns, soft music and a warm ocean breeze.

Matt made a chair in the sand to support his lower back.

These are some Mayan ruins right on the beach outside of the town of Tulum.

the public beach within the National Mayan site

One of my goals for the week was to go to a "swing bar" where you can let loose the child and adult in you while swinging barefoot in the sand and sipping a corona, ahh.


Anonymous said...

What fun! Is this the picture of Child Molly or adult Molly? they both must have had a great time what a blessing,Dj

Free and Living said...

that looks like so much fun! it makes me miss the sun real bad. ;)

kate said...

so beautiful!